
Techkriti'16 - An IIT Kanpur Festival  Prizes worth INR 36 Lacs

 IIT, Kanpur - is bringing you an opportunity to participate in Techkriti 2016 - an annual Technology and Entrepreneurship festival held over four days attracting over 25,000 participants from India and abroad. 

Students can take part in over 50 different challenges across different domains and get an opportunity to win prizes worth INR 36 Lacs
The Challenges:
  • Technology: Ranging from building robots to coding hackathons 
  • Entrepreneurship and Marketing: Business Plan competitions, Elevator pitches, Marketing challenges and many others 
  • Social: Challenges to propose sustainable solutions to build a better India 
  • International: Quizzes, 3D puzzles, Bit races and much more. 
Interested students can check here:


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